We live in wild times with historic transformation potential.
Here on The Frequency Shifters Show we explore ways to shift fear and chaos into the higher vibrations of love, peace and power; raising the frequency of ourselves, one another & our planet.
We are DIGGIN DEEP into ancient wisdom, multidimensional healing and elevating consciousness. In each episode we interview a global expert on everything from "what is frequency" to the Schuman resonance, meditation, sacred geometry, neuroscience, megalithic sites and the earth chakras, synchronicities, quantum physics, laws of science, the role of vibration, the power of sound, crystals, Reiki and energy healing, the chakra system, Ayurveda, heart coherence, protecting our DNA & beyond... with the goal to make it balanced, grounded and relatable for both energy nerds & the newbies alike.

We can utilize the hidden lessons within the knowledge of frequencies, geometric patterns and mystical connections to shift our minds and bodies into alignment with higher, finer frequencies, elevating awareness and maximizing human potential.
The Frequency Shifters Show is our way of creating the container to help facilitate our needed healing and awakening, bringing people together to share this ancient wisdom and empower others to recognize their own inner power. We are stronger and shine brighter, together. And we can utilize the hidden lessons within these mysteries, energies, patterns and connections to shift our minds and bodies into alignment with higher, finer frequencies; healing, elevating awareness and maximizing human potential.
If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.
Nicola Tesla
Exploring Ancient Wisdom To Rock Your Modern World

Ancient Techniques & Rituals
Ancient civilizations were highly aware of energetic connections and had mastered the use of finer frequencies and subtle energy vibrations to super-charge their own mind-body systems to achieve ultimate health, elevated states of being and higher levels of consciousness; we can too. Discover the power of your own mind, body and heart through ancient wisdom and sacred rituals.

Frequencies of the Earth
Explore megalithic sites, ancient ley lines and power grids, vortices, the earth chakras, lost civilizations and the unified field of energy that connects us all to the larger planetary body and universal consciousness like a massive interconnected web. This complex energy matrix encompasses the entire time-space continuum of multiple dimensions in addition to individual consciousness.

Synchronicity and Resonance
Everything in this world is made of energy and has a vibrational frequency. Each of us possess our own biomagnetic field which, like all energy, is not static and can be manipulated and guided into form. Energy is constantly moving throughout our physical bodies as well as our electromagnetic fields, vibrating at varying speeds and emitting diverse frequencies, which transmit messages and information.
Meet Your Hosts
Meet the Experts of Season ONE...
Everything is made of energy and has its own vibrational frequency — from your own body to the thoughts you think, the foods you eat, a blade of grass, an animal, a musical tone, a heartbeat, the ocean waves and the stars. We are all deeply connected and incredibly powerful.
- Corene Summers