π How To Celebrate Your Life with the Moon π
Since the dawn of creation, all living things have thrived when in harmony with the rhythms and patterns of the natural world and this expansive universe.
From the changing of seasons and shifts in weather to cycles of light and darkness, planetary movements, the sun and the moon, the measured health benefits (yes, science) humans experience when engaging with nature... the connections between humanity and the elements are miraculous and fill me with awe and wonder.
We are truly lucky to be alive!
There are many ways we can create positive energy and optimal biorhythms around these beautiful recurring patterns of life, honoring our deep roots and connections to nature. Creating ceremony and ritual around the moon phases helps us harness the power of the natural world and get back to the innate wisdom of our own minds and bodies.
Here are a few ideas to get started :)
Celebrate Life with the Moon:
Meditate; practice reiki; have your own dance party (or invite others!); cleanse your home; donate/trash any items not being actively used or representing your lower self; laugh out loud; smudge with sage, palo santo + sweetgrass to clear negative energy; snuggle someone you love; get spiritual with prayer + gratitude; write down your top accomplishments from the last cycle, then take a mental moment to celebrate them; mediate + visualize a positive/peaceful future (while holding your favorite crystal for bonus points); take a delicious bath; practice powerful affirmations + journaling, detox + cleanse your body physically with movement, hydration, herbs + plant food; water your plants; charge your crystals; pull a card; tell your people, pets + plants you love them; sing out loud; go for a walk (without your phone) and enjoy nature, sun gaze and star gaze; give yourself plenty of time for deep, restorative sleep.

Manifest with the Moon:
Day dream about everything you desire in life and then journal and write it all down; list your top goals and/or your ideal monthly income on a piece of paper and put it under your pillow, on your window sill and if you are a certified Reiki practitioner you could also add to your prayer box or Reiki crystal grid; make a wish (or lots of them!) and then speak them out loud, tell a friend and/or post about it on social media (tag me and I'll come show some extra love!); put a full wallet on your windowsill; repeat money affirmations "I am worthy of abundance", "money comes to me easily", "I am grateful to receive $___ per month to support myself/family/clients/community."

Activate Your Chakras:
Here in this Vlog post I provide a visualization meditation to balance the chakras as well as an overview of what the primary 7 chakras are, why they matter, how they can help us in our life and also in our business. The chakra system is an incredible and very well rounded practice that we can apply to physical, mental and emotional well being. This Chakra Healing guide is also a great resource if you want to discover more about the power of chakras.
Enjoy the moon phases, however you choose to celebrate!
Love, Corene