How To Choose Herbs for a Windowsill Garden

While many of us dream of having our own outdoor gardens, not everyone has the time, space, or resources to make it happen. A windowsill garden is a much smaller commitment that you can use to boost your culinary skills or start connecting with...

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How Medicinal Mushrooms Can Enhance Your Diet

Medicinal mushrooms have become increasingly popular and look like they’re here to stay. However, as trendy health-food items, there is still a fair amount of confusion surrounding their benefits. If you’re on the fence about whether...

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Easy & Healthy Tricks To Help Reduce Your Caffeine Intake

It may not surprise you that over one billion people have a cup of coffee daily. For many of us, there is nothing better than the smell of a fresh pot of coffee brewing. But that warm cup of coffee can become a detriment to us, as we might have...

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Why You Should Make Your Own Deodorant and How To Do It

Deodorant is a body product that almost everyone uses, but few people know its ingredients. If you walked into a store and studied deodorant ingredients, though, you’d be shocked to see things like aluminum that can clog your sweat glands...

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Effective Ways To Hydrate and Moisturize Your Skin

Hydration is essential for all aspects of life, including skin care. However, dealing with rough and dry skin is a pain. Luckily, you can read these effective ways to hydrate and moisturize your skin for helpful advice. Your skin will thank you!


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Tips for Improving Your Digestive System

Your digestive system breaks down food and turns it into nutrients for your body. Your lifestyle and diet heavily reflect in your digestion, and sometimes you can run into roadblocks. Fortunately, we’re here to help! If you’re...

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How To Choose the Best Natural Cleaning Products

While we all know we should use natural cleaners, it's not always easy to do so. After all, packaging and labeling can be a tad deceitful at times. Products claiming to be all-natural can be using strategic marketing that doesn’t share the...

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