How to Balance the Energies of Libra, Vata and Harvest Season

Libra energy is all about creating balance and harmony, beauty, charm, elegance (ruled by the planet venus) and cultivating a life that both looks and feels good!

This zodiac sign (and the entire fall harvest) is connected to the Air Element...

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The Science and History of Reiki, Plus Why to Use It

What is Reiki, really?

The Japanese word Reiki when split into two characters - rei and ki - literally translates to spiritual energy, or what is more commonly known in the West - universal life force energy. But when two characters are used...

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How To Add a Touch of Nature and the Earth Element to Your Home

Strengthen your bond with Mother Nature and invite her into your home. Spending time in nature creates a healing effect; It boosts serotonin, feels comfortable, and offers so much beauty and serenity to savor. Adding touches of nature into your...

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🌕 How To Celebrate Your Life with the Moon 🌕

Since the dawn of creation, all living things have thrived when in harmony with the rhythms and patterns of the natural world and this expansive universe.

From the changing of seasons and shifts in weather to cycles of light and darkness,...

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Vinyasa Yoga Flow to Balance Your Chakras


This yoga practice is meant to help raise your vibration, and clear out any stress or other negative energies and leave you feeling peaceful. This class is all about chakra balancing through yoga. The chakras are the 7 key areas/energy centers in...

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Intro to the Chakras and Chakra Balancing Meditation & Workshop


This session is on one of my favorite topics, The Chakras. It is a short session, where I will be giving you an overview of what The Chakras are, why they matter,  how they can help us in our life and also in our business. The Chakra...

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