What You Need To Create a Meditation Space in Your Home

When you’re practicing mindfulness and meditation, a serene atmosphere paired with a calm ambiance helps you tap into your inner world and the stillness of peace. The list of ways to create a relaxing abode includes numerous options, from using invigorating scents to adding plush meditation cushions. Creating a place that benefits you, your community, and the planet will enrich your experience and enable you to have peace of mind within your new room.

However, some people find it challenging to decide on the best way to build healing spaces. Here’s what you need to create a meditation space in your home that caters to your well-being and to the environment. 

Ethically Sourced Flooring 

The type of flooring you install within the space will determine the foundational atmosphere of the room. Wooden floors offer more grounding bases than other types of flooring because of their natural look, stable structure, and connection to nature. Understanding the importance of ethical lumber-sourcing will narrow down your wood flooring options and build your room’s footing on the foundation of virtue. 

Soothing Paint Colors

The wall colors you choose can affect the room’s mood. Every color emanates a certain feel and represents different meanings. For example, soft blue colors—associated with feelings of trust and reliability—emit a calming presence, while greens symbolize tranquility  Pastels embody relaxation, and warmer earth tones produce a homey atmosphere. You can also opt for eco-friendly wall paints for a more virtuous implementation into your meditation space. 

Natural Lighting 

Natural lighting offers an assortment of benefits, ranging from vitamin D to a warm, cozy atmosphere. Without going outside, you can embrace the warmth and light of the sun by incorporating large or east-facing windows. Using natural light to illuminate your space also connects you with nature, since you can match your meditation and healing processes with the day and night cycles. LED light bulbs offer another sustainable lighting alternative that will fill your space with a calming, warm glow. 

Minimalistic Décor 

Keeping your meditation room spacious and clutter free produces an orderly sensation, allowing you to focus on your practice in peace and free from distractions. One way you can continuously keep your space feeling open and clean is by going for minimalistic décor. In many Eastern philosophical teachings, the idea of “stuff” diverts people from focusing on or achieving enlightenment and peace. A room free from distractions, mess, and overwhelming feelings is an ideal space for meditating, especially if you’re struggling to ease yourself into a meditative state. Accumulating minimal items also generates less waste in the future.

At the heart of it all, a safe location and yourself are what you really need to create a meditation space in your home. Still, optimizing a specific area for your practice encourages you to build a routine and provides a physical realm to which you can escape when you need a break. By curating your room with ethical decisions, you set up a place where you can fully let go of anxieties and meditate with a peaceful mind.

Energy Cleansing

  The ancient Native American technique of smudging can help remove bad energy in your home. The Native Americans used it for millennia because they knew it worked – and fortunately, the same materials they used are readily available in The Artisan Farmacy Shop.

Burning sage – particularly white sage – is a simple and fast way to clear out bad spirits and negative energy. You can also use this patchouli room spray, palo santo, or other herbs recommended by healers for house cleansing.



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