The Science and History of Reiki, Plus Why to Use It

What is Reiki, really?

The Japanese word Reiki when split into two characters - rei and ki - literally translates to spiritual energy, or what is more commonly known in the West - universal life force energy. But when two characters are used...

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Reiki Healing Journey - Ocean of Love


This nourish and restore session is all about Reiki. Reiki is an ancient Japanese stress reduction technique that is meant to create a calming and deep state of relaxation. It directs this positive/healing energy towards the...

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Reiki Meditation Journey to Release a Block, Issue or Negative Energy


This reiki healing experience is highly effective in removing negative energy and blocks in the physical body, emotions, the mind, aura, chakras, etc. and work to help you release any blocks you choose. It can be practiced as many times as you...

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