Tips for Improving Your Digestive System

Your digestive system breaks down food and turns it into nutrients for your body. Your lifestyle and diet heavily reflect in your digestion, and sometimes you can run into roadblocks. Fortunately, we’re here to help! If you’re...

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How To Choose the Best Natural Cleaning Products

While we all know we should use natural cleaners, it's not always easy to do so. After all, packaging and labeling can be a tad deceitful at times. Products claiming to be all-natural can be using strategic marketing that doesn’t share the...

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4 Ways To Use Color To Enhance Your Mood

Soothe your soul with a tranquil blue, channel your spirituality with purple, and strengthen your connection to the earth with brown. Colors embody various meanings which correspond to and affect your emotions. Discovering different methods to...

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3 Gemstones To Give You a Spiritual Glow-Up

As you celebrate your transformative glow-up in appearance and status, it’s easy to overlook what spiritual glow may be missing from within. The spirit is the energy you project into the world and what harmonizes the body and mind. If...

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Full Moon Manifestation Ritual and Money Attraction Spell


Happy full moon in Virgo! Where are my fellow virgo placements?!

This is one of my personal favorite manifestation rituals for anytime, especially around the full moon and new moon. It is excellent to use for aligning your energy with higher...

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🌕 How To Celebrate Your Life with the Moon 🌕

Since the dawn of creation, all living things have thrived when in harmony with the rhythms and patterns of the natural world and this expansive universe.

From the changing of seasons and shifts in weather to cycles of light and darkness,...

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Finding the Perfect One: How To Discover Your Crystal

With so many crystals in the world, each with unique benefits, you may find it confusing to select the right crystal for you. For many, crystals have a healing effect, and each of the crystals has a differing meaning and impact for different...

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What You Need To Create a Meditation Space in Your Home

When you’re practicing mindfulness and meditation, a serene atmosphere paired with a calm ambiance helps you tap into your inner world and the stillness of peace. The list of ways to create a relaxing abode includes numerous options, from...

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Affirmations Practice for Confidence & Inner Power


This 20 minute practice will focus on building inner strength and confidence. We will move through an affirmations based practice to help build that inner sense of self worth, inner strength and inner armor that shows us we are capable of strength...

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Master Your Thought Power with Affirmations


Today we will be talking about mastering your thought power and doing an affirmations practice. Visualization and affirmations are two of my top used tools to gain more control over not just our thoughts, but truly how...

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